President Erdoğan once again won the Turkish presidential election.
Mehdi SALMAN POUR , President of the Federation International Football Skating, congratulated Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the good nation of Turkey on this victory.
In this message written in Turkish, Mehdi SALMAN POUR said:

Sayın namağlup, milletin adamı, Başkan Erdoğan!
14 ve 28 Mayıs seçimlerinin galibi, milletinin kalbine taht kuran, dünya dengelerinde önemli rol sahibi, büyük Türkiye yüzyılı mimarı, ülkesinin kalkınmasında başarılar elde eden, uluslararası arenada önemli yere sahip olan bir lideri içtenlikle tebrik ederim.
Mehdi Salman Pour
Dünya Paten Futbolu Federasyon Başkanı

Dear undefeated, man of the nation, President Erdogan!

I sincerely congratulate a leader who was the winner of the 14th and 28th of May elections, enthroned in the heart of his nation, played an important role in world balances, was the architect of the great Turkish century, achieved success in the development of his country, and has an important place in the international arena.

Kind regards.


President of the Federation International Football Skating- FIFS

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